Become an Alumni Ambassador
Champion research abroad within your network.
Alumni Ambassador Program
Each semester we nominate participants to become Alumni Ambassadors to represent our study abroad and research programs. Alumni Ambassadors are the face of American Councils and help us by promoting American Councils overseas study and research programs on campus and online, posting on social media, and by representing AC Study and Research Abroad at events. Being an Alumni Ambassador is a great way to gain valuable communication and leadership experience, while sharing impressions and experiences from your time on the program. Email us for more details on becoming an Alumni Ambassador.
Current Alumni Ambassadors
Abigail Z., TISLP Summer 2020
I’m a linguistics major at Northwestern University, interested in how grammatical differences among Eastern and Western languages influence stylistic differences in writing structures. I chose to study abroad with American Councils to improve my Chinese as quickly as impossible! I had so much fun growing more familiar with the culture that the language is embedded in and making new friends that have such strong passions for language learning.
Ashley L., ERLP Fall 2020
I wanted to study Uzbek with ERLP because I had been selected for a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant position in Uzbekistan, starting in January 2021. I loved that the program was so individualized! Being the only student in my class helped me improve my Uzbek language skills and connect with my professor.
Caroline M., ERLP Fall 2020
My passion for languages began with my 8th grade Spanish class. I was awarded two Fulbright ETA grants to Uzbekistan and later helped recruit FLEX program participants in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Romania. While in Tajikistan, I learned about ERLP and decided to apply to learn Tajiki. I loved my experience learning Tajiki with ERLP and continue practicing my Russian, Uzbek and Tajiki whenever I can.
Paula Z., BLI Summer and Fall 2020
I grew up with a large Serbian American population in my hometown, so I was exposed to Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS) from a young age. I always told myself I'd learn it, and a decade later, I finally got the opportunity through American Councils' Balkan Language Initiative! It's opened so many doors for me, from Balkan friends to reading local literature to finding professional and educational opportunities.
American Councils Alumni Ambassadors are available for peer-to-peer advising. Let us know if you’re interested in speaking with any of our current ambassadors.